Fasting is not just a religious ritual, but also a powerful tool for improving our physical and mental health. According to scientific research, fasting can help us lose weight, lower blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, boost human growth hormone production, enhance cellular repair processes and even extend our lifespan.
Fasting also helps us develop empathy and compassion for those who are less fortunate than us. When we fast, we experience hunger and thirst that many people face every day without any choice or relief. We realize how privileged we are to have access to food and water whenever we want, and how much we take them for granted.
That’s why I think fasting is important to show solidarity with those who are suffering from poverty, hunger and homelessness. They are not fasting by choice, but by necessity. They are not rewarded with a feast at the end of the day, but with more uncertainty and hardship.
That’s why I urge you to do charity whenever you can. Even if you think charities are inefficient or corrupt, remember that some of your donations will reach those who need it most. And if you don’t donate anything at all, then nothing will reach them.
That’s why I also encourage you to push your government representatives to enact policies that support the poor and vulnerable in our society. Instead of giving tax breaks and subsidies to corporations and billionaires who don’t need them, they should invest in social programs that provide food security, health care, education and housing for those who do.
Fasting is not only good for our bodies and souls but also for our communities and societies. It reminds us of our common humanity and our responsibility towards each other. It inspires us to be more generous, kinder and fairer.
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